Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Erotic Art of Anders Zorn (1860-1920)

Girls from Dalarna in the sauna by Anders Zorn (1860-1920)

Helga (1917), oljemålning av Anders Zorn
Helga, 1917. Oil on Canvas

Source: Anders Zorn [Public domain], attraverso Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gay Marriage part ii

In certain circumstances it might be condoned - like when both chicks are really hot! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gay Marriage - won't someone please think of the children

Having said that, it looks like he's got the best seat in the house. A lot of us wouldn't complain it if was us. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Now that's what I call lesbian erotica

December has arrived. Time to start compiling that long overdue letter to Santa Claus. Here's a few ideas that are unlikely to arrive in your Christmas stocking - a bit like that bike you begged your parents for when you were eight, and promised to be good for ages but still it never came. 

If you are looking for beautiful lesbain erotica, forget Santa; you will just have to look for it on X-Art

 ~ beautiful erotica. Click to come inside.

Counting Down to Christmas ...

So it's that time of year again. How did we celebrate it last year? It seems that we didn't so we thought that we better make up for it this year. Beginning with this ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lesbianism - the pros and cons

In case you thought that lesbianism was all about women hating men you'd be wrong. Here is just one of the practical advantages we can think off.

Of course there is the downside too ...

Sorry guys, you just have to take the good with the bad. 

Search Amazon for Lesbian Erotica

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Plugin - the adult social network

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last twenty years, it is likely that you are as bored as we are with endless media-led drivel about the great age of social networking that we're all supposed to be inhabiting. The fact is that long before Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. started changing the way we think about the world and interact with others, people were already using the Internet to meet, share, fuel and indulge their sexual appetites, carnal desires or just plain old wishful thinking.

The earliest examples of social networking on the web were invariably linked to the innate human desire for getting it on with the opposite sex; or in some cases, the same sex; or in some cases with both; or in some cases ... ok we're going to stop there.

Plugin is an adult social network where users can express themselves "freely and openly with others without worrying about the repercussions for explicit photos, wall posts, or video uploads." You can browse and share albums, pages, videos, games, locations, events, classifieds and more.

It's also free to join but you do have to be 21 or whatever. If you're not in that category best thing might be to leave now and go finish your homework; maybe engage in a healthy bout of your preferred sporting activity afterwards or just try having a meaningful conversation with that nice boy or girl that you always fancied. If you come back when you're old enough it is highly likely that all the same stuff will still be there waiting for you - might even be heaps better too.

Be warned! The content posted on Plugin is strong - much stronger than anything we would dare to post. The following represents the milder side of what we found when we went looking:

If you do find yourself lost and alone in a strange and unfamiliar world you can always seek out our page. We will take you under our shelter and help you to navigate your way back to safety.

While this post has been sponsored, the views contained herein represent those of the author and publisher, not necessarily those of the sponsor

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

What do ya know? We just woke up and realised that today is Halloween - an ancient feast in which women everywhere dress up like sexy vamps. Well we thought we better do something to fit in with the mood so here it is, the best that the web has to offer - so far:

demotivational posters - HALLOWEEN
see more Very Demotivational

We could not have put together such a truly splendid compilation without prompting from these sources (we copied their idea in other words but we trust that they won't mind; imitation being the highest form of flattery and all that):

Enjoy the day that's in it. Don't misbehave but if you do make sure to tell us about it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us

We're one year old today! That, by the way, is not a reference to our biological or mental age, taken separately or combined, although it is understandable how some people might draw that conclusion. No, it is precisely one year from today that we first launched Great Lesbian Kisses, the website dedicated to sapphic erotica, female intimacy and all forms of feminine beauty.

And what a lot of fun we have had in such a short space of time, making lots of friends along the way and possibly a few powerful enemies. There is no aspect of the lesbian kissing phenomenon that we have shied away from giving coverage too. We have documented incidences of these practices down through the ages and across all continents, with the possible exception of Antarctica.

And we say Long May It Continue! As long as girls are kissing girls and someone is there to capture the moment on camera, or some other visual recording device, we'll be here to publish. We already know that we are damned and it hasn't stopped us, so what else is there out there to prevent us?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lesbian Sex Positions part ii - Cunnilingus or, Which lips my love?

We really are plummeting the depths here, but at least we're not the only ones. When it comes to getting down and dirty, these girls have us all beat.

Édouard-Henri Avril (1843-1928)
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

By Seedfeeder (Own work by uploader. All original non-derivative.)
[CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

Clothed Cunnilingus
By Chad Davis from Minneapolis, USA (Bad Boy Bill - Milwaukee, WI 01/20/2007)
[CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Martin van Maele 10
Martin van Maële (1863-1926)
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Do you consider the act of Lesbian Kissing to be: